Why Covert Pirates?
Like most people, I'm tired of hearing about Covid Virus. I started using Covert Pirates as rhyming slang to make the news a little more bearable. We need to learn to live with the Pirates!
Why did I make CovertPirates.com?
Because the Government stopped publishing Exposure Sites. Ordinarily this is something that they should be doing. They had the data and the means to make it available to the public, but they stopped.
There were some good websites already such as https://covid19nearme.com.au/ but they stopped adding new exposure sites once the official reports were no longer being released.
The other reason I made CovertPirates.com was because I was angry. NSW Health said they "will no longer list case locations that a COVID-19 positive person has attended. This is due to a number of reasons, including high vaccination rates in the community." I found this excuse appalling for a number of reasons.
I've singled out the NSW Government, but Victoria also stopped publishing Exposure Sites as well as the Tasmanian Department of Health and Queensland stopped posting anything except major outbreaks and superspreading events from the 31st of December 2021. I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the States and Territories follow suit as there seems to be a general push in that direction by the Federal Goverment. UPDATE- almost all the official sites for reporting Covid Exposure Sites have stopped publishing exposure venues.
It's important to note, that when each of the above states stop publishing Case Locations, most also remove the list of Exposure Sites. Even though the information becomes old, we could have used that data to look for things like patterns of infection.
Anyway, I've finished my Rant, but if you feel the same way or think that Exposure sites should be published, please help by telling like minded people or by posting any Exposure notifications you receive on the website here. Thanks!