How to share a Covid Exposure Site Notification.
There are 2 methods by which you can share exposure site notifications, but to do so you will need to register an account and login. Registering is easy and free. You can simply login with social media (the account will be automatically created) or you can register manually.
When sharing exposure notifications, method 1 is the easiest, but method 2 is the fastest to be published.
Method1- the simple method - send us photos of your exposure notifications or alternatively, send us a photo of your positive RAT test and a screenshot of your most recent check-ins (from your state's relevant app). We will fill out the form and publish the notification for you. Please note that this might take a while.
Method2- the preferred method - fill out the form and upload your images as proof. This method will have your notification listed immediately. Fields marked with an asterix(*) must be completed before the site can be published.